About Us
VeriScreen Wholesale Services was created in 2011 out of a need for direct source data in the state of Kentucky. We built a network of boots on the ground researchers that physically entered the courthouses to ensure that our data was fast and accurate. We soon expanded into the state of Tennessee as well, continuing to grow and build our researcher network. In the 12 years since our creation, we have expanded into a nationwide company that is able to obtain courthouse data in all 50 states. However, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, and Mississippi are our specialty states.
We pride ourselves on fast, accurate, data pulled from courthouses by real people. In this industry, many companies rely on outdated databases for information, and therefore miss records frequently. Our accuracy rate is 99.996% thanks to our skilled researchers, which is much higher than the industry average. We also provide excellent personal customer service. When you call us, you will speak directly to a customer service representative without having to fight your way through a long phone menu.
We believe in providing great service to our clients, without the usual smoke and mirrors that this industry can have. If you're tired of slow turnaround time, inaccurate data, and waiting on hold, contact us to experience the
"VeriScreen Difference".
Accurate Data
Our accuracy rate is 99.996% thanks to our courthouse researchers, which is much higher than the industry average. We use our researchers instead of outdated databases.
Excellent Service
We provide excellent personal customer service. When you call us, you will speak directly to a customer service representative without having to fight through a phone menu.
Real Researchers
We pride ourselves on fast, accurate, data pulled from courthouses by real people. Our skilled researchers can even retrieve certified court copies for our clients if needed.
Meet The Team

Tom Lunsted
Wholesale Director of Operations

Research Analyst
Christina Leffingwell

John Grier
Wholesale Quality Assurance

Samuel Crosby
Research Analyst

Erica Newby
Wholesale Account Management

Kyler Scheben
Research Analyst

Sherri Bean
Wholesale Customer Service

Morganne Alder
Research Analyst